Who Run the World? GIRLS!

Sneaky Sunday blog’s here once again. Where ever you are right now, I hope you are doing A-okay! March 8 was International Women’s Day. And I must say, I am one lucky gal to be living at this moment of Earth’s time.

I cannot imagine how women in the past lived. Being constricted to things that they can or cannot do. I remember the movie Mona Lisa Smile starring Julia Roberts and other ensemble cast. The film was set in the 1950’s, I think, wherein women are aware that after graduating from school, they will just become plain housewives. I love the scene on the film where Julia’s character who is a teacher angrily showed different portraits of domesticated women after being criticized on school paper by a rich student played by Kristen Dunst. Well, that was what society expected of them from that era. House makers that will become perfect wives and mothers.

But today, women are already encouraged to be who they want to be. We can be HEROines in our own way. Feminism has become an advocacy that most women are supporting. Empowered women empower women. I remember the Spice Girls. They were one of the most successful girl groups in the music industry during the late 1990s. They popularized Girl Power!

For whatever it’s worth, I must admit that there are still things that men can do and women cannot do. I still appreciate being treated a lady. The issue about gender equality, I think, is still debatable. Do we fight for equality as long as we benefited from it? What does equality really mean? We have our own opinions on this matter. In the end, the most important thing is we celebrate our humanity.

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